

Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto |

The fourth edition of GEMS — GEometry MeetingS —  will take place…

Laboratório 4 do Departamento de Matemática,… | - | 09:15

Sala de Seminários do DMAT Ed. 6 - 3.08 | - | 09:30
The third edition of the ANAP Meeting, open to all interested…
School of Sciences, Azurém, Guimarães | -

The Centre of Mathematics of the School of Sciences of the…

Santiago de Compostela | -

The ML-DE Workshop on Machine Learning Meets Differential…

Seminar room, room 3.08, building 6 | - | 11:30


University of Minho | -

The Eighth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…

University of Minho | - | 09:00

4EPBM aims to bring together Mathematicians and…

Anfiteatro da Escola de Ciências, Gualtar,… | -

This is the

University of Trieste, Italy | - | 14:00

This is the 12th edition…

University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal | -

4th Young Researchers in Functional Analysis and…

University of Coimbra | - | 09:00

Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from…

University of Madeira, Funchal, Portugal | -

Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and…

Department of Mathematics, University of Minho | -

The X Iberian Modelling Week will…

Universidade do Minho, Campus de Gualtar, Braga | -

Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática 

University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) | - | 09:00

The 181st European Study Group with Industry (ESGI 181) will take…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 |

The meeting is organized by the…

Altice Forum Braga | -

The 6th International Symposium on Nonparametric Statistics (ISNPS…

CMAT, University of Minho, Gualtar Campus | - | 09:00

Seminar Room of the Department of Mathematics, School of…

CPII - Campus de Gualtar, INL, Centro Ciência Viva | - | 09:30

Terá lugar em Braga, de 8 a 10…

Anfiteatro da Escola de Ciências, Edifício 6,… | -

CMAT LabsFest is an initiative by CMAT.

University of Minho | - | 09:00

CMAT will host the Final Conference of the…

University of Minho | - | 09:30

After the first edition in…

University of Minho | - | 09:20

The ALC Meeting 2023 is organized by the research group Algebra,…

IST, University of Lisbon | -

This is the eleventh edition of the meeting on Particle Systems and…

Polytechnic of Leiria | -

The Seventh Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…

Sala de Seminários do DMat, Edif. 6 - 3.08 | - | 11:00

O encontro é organizado pelo grupo Geometria, Topologia e…

Hotel Rural Quinta de Novais | - | 13:30

This is the second edition of the ANAP Meeting, although open to…

Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Guimarães | - | 09:00

O Congresso da SPE é o principal fórum de discussão da…

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro | - | 09:30

This is the 6th CMAT's Open Day, an initiative of the Centre…

University of Coimbra | - | 14:00

This is the third edition of the Women in Mathematics Meeting in…

Universidade do Minho, Guimarães |

The Meeting on Survival Analysis is organized by the CMAT-SAPOR of…

Athens, Greece | -

Computational and Applied Mathematics  (CAM2023)…

Seminar Room of the Department of Mathematics… |

This is the first edition of the Workshop in Complex Fluids and…

Anfiteatro da Escola de Ciências, Edifício 6,… | -

CMAT LabsFest is an initiative by CMAT.

Lab4, Departamento de Matemática, Campus de… | -

The ALC Meeting 2022 is organized by the research group Algebra,…

University of Beira Interior | -

The Sixth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions - NTQO…

University of Minho | - | 09:00

The aim of the meeting is to promote discussions and interchange of…

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro | -

O Encontro do grupo de investigação Análise e Aplicações (ANAP) do…

Universidade do Minho | - | 09:30

The One Day Meeting in Mathematical Biology will gather researchers…

Campus de Azurém - Guimarães - University of Minho | -

Event organized by CMAT-SAPOR of the Centre of Mathematics at…

Anfiteatro da Escola de Ciências, Gualtar |

This is the 5th…

Universidade do Minho | -

This is the second edition of the Women in Mathematics…

University of Minho | -

This international meeting aims to bring face to face well-known…

PUC-Rio and UFRJ, Brazil | -

We are organizing an international conference on Dynamical Systems…

University of Malaga | -

Computational and Applied Mathematics  (CAM2022)…

Universidade do Algarve, Faro | - | 09:00

This biennial meeting aims at bringing together mathematicians,…

University of Minho | -

This is the tenth edition of the meeting on Particle Systems and…

Universidade do Minho | -

CMAT LabsFest is an initiative by CMAT.

Universidade do Minho, Anfiteatro B1, CP2 | -

CMAT LabsFest is an initiative by CMAT.

ISEG - University of Lisbon | -

The main topic of this event is the theory of Lyapunov exponents in…

School of Sciences of the University of Minho,… | | 09:00

The ALC Meeting 2021 is organized by the research group Algebra,…

Online | - | 14:30

The workshop is promoted by CIM…

University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro | -

The Fifth Workshop New Trends in Quaternions and Octonions…

Online | - | 16:00

The VII Iberian Modeling Week will take place online from 26th to…

Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal | - | 09:00

The One Day Meeting on Statistics and Applied Probability 2021 is…

online and Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de… | - | 15:00


Determinantal Point Processes


Pole I of ECVA - Geosciences Auditorium, UTAD |

The Open Day of CMAT is dedicated to research…

University of Cagliari || Online | -

Computational and Applied Mathematics  (CAM2021)…

online |


The main topic of this event is the dynamical…

School of Sciences of the University of Minho,… | -

In a hybrid format with in-person and online participations, the…

online | -

The following sessions are part of the scientific programme of the…

University of Lisbon | -

The Workshop on Operator Theory, Complex Analysis, and Applications…… | - | 09:00
University of Minho, Braga, Portugal | -

The meeting will focus on recent progress in Pseudo-Riemannian…

Anfiteatro Abreu Faro, Complexo Interdisciplinar… | -

The meeting brings together active researchers working in the…

UNESCO proclaimed, in November…