Mathematical Modelling of Multi-scale Control Systems: applications to human diseases (CoSysM3)



The CoSysM3 project aims to contribute to the scientific advance in the mathematical modeling of behavioral epidemiology, building new hybrid models and generalizing results and methods from the theory of systems and control through its application to infectious and autoimmune diseases. We propose to develop a new hybrid modeling approach that will allow the simulation of complex epidemic scenarios and their control. Theoretical and numerical mathematical results will be proved, and Mathematical tools will be used to study biological processes and provide optimal solutions for the prevention and treatment of human diseases. Key mathematical topics in this project are theory of differential equations (ordinary, partial and fractional), optimal control theory, theory of dynamical systems, statistical methods, computational methods and numerical simulations methods.

Ref. FCT

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Universidade de Aveiro
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Université de Nantes
International School for Advanced Studies (Trieste, Italy)

Financial Support