Laid Boudjellal
PhD Student
University of Minho
I am Laid Boudjellal, I am from Algeria. Currently, I am doing my PhD the-
sis under the supervision of professors Ana Jacinta Soares and Maria Joana
Torres, both from the centre of Mathematics at the university of Minho. The
main topics I work on are, Kinetic Theory, Dynamical Sysytem, Nonlinear
Problems, Ordinary Differential Equation, Optimal Control Problems. I have a
Master degree of Mathematics Modeling and Simulation from the University
of Pau and Pays de l’Adour in France. I have a secondary teacher diploma of
mathematics from the higher school of professors Kouba, Algeria.
I have concluded successfully the 6th edition of MAP-PDMA which is a Doc-
toral joint program of the Universities of Minho (Department of Mathematics
and Applications), Aveiro (Department of Mathematics) and Porto (Faculties
of Sciences, Economics, Engineering and Biomedical Sciences).
I am interested in programming languages, I master some of them like Python,
Matlab and C language, and I would like to learn more.