

Theses Type Year Student Nationality Advisor(s) Status Link
Negative translations and call-by-value PhD 2023 Portugal JOSE CARLOS SOARES DO ESPIRITO SANTO
In Progress
Left-invariant metrics on Lie groups: completeness, isometries, and dynamics PhD 2023 Algeria Ana Cristina Castro Ferreira
Abdelghani Zeghib
In Progress
Developing Novel Techniques for Gait Dynamics Analysis using Topological Data Analysis and Neural Networks PhD 2023 Colombia Flora José da Rocha Ferreira
Wolfram Erlhagen
Miguel Gago
In Progress
On generalized inverses of graph matrices PhD 2023 Angola José Pedro Miranda Mourão Patricio
Maria Cláudia Freitas Sousa Mendes Araújo
In Progress
n-Dimensional Versions of Balancing and Cobalancing Numbers PhD 2022 Angola Paula Maria Machado Cruz Catarino
María Victoria Otero Espinar
In Progress
Proof search in natural deduction PhD 2022 Portugal JOSE CARLOS SOARES DO ESPIRITO SANTO
In Progress
Métodos de Machine Learning para previsão de dados longitudinais PhD 2022 Portugal Inês Pereira Silva Cunha Sousa
In Progress
Novel Methods for Learning the Neural Connectivity in Dynamic Neural Fields PhD 2022 Portugal Flora José da Rocha Ferreira
Wolfram Erlhagen
In Progress
Recent advances in the statistical analysis of failure time data PhD 2022 Portugal Luís Filipe Meira Machado
Carla Maria Gonçalves de Macedo Moreira
In Progress
Topology of higher-dimensional automata PhD 2022 Portugal Thomas Kahl
In Progress
Kinetic models in cell Biology PhD 2021 Algeria Maria Piedade Machado Ramos
Carolina Ribeiro
In Progress
Proof search techniques for the decision of lattice logics PhD 2021 Matheus Pereira Lobo Brazil JOSE CARLOS SOARES DO ESPIRITO SANTO
Gilda Ferreira
In Progress
Algebraic Postulative Proofs PhD 2021 Anderson Beraldo-Araújo Brazil JOSE CARLOS SOARES DO ESPIRITO SANTO
Luís Filipe Ribeiro Pinto
In Progress
Matchgate circuits with magic resources for universal quantum computation PhD 2021 Greece José Pedro Miranda Mourão Patricio
Rui Soares Barbosa
Nadish de Silva
In Progress
Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Propagating Detonation Waves and Contact Problems for Shell Structures PhD 2021 Portugal Ana Jacinta Pereira Costa Soares
Ángel Arós Rodríguez
In Progress
Mathematical modelling and analysis of biological and environmental systems PhD 2021 Algeria Ana Jacinta Pereira Costa Soares
Maria Joana Costa Cruz Oliveira Torres
In Progress
Modelos de Previsão a Curto Prazo para Variáveis Meteorológicas PhD 2021 Portugal Arminda Manuela Andrade Pereira Gonçalves
Marco Costa
In Progress
On the rational topological complexity of elliptic spaces PhD 2020 Said Hamoun Morocco Lucile Arlette Guilaine Vandembroucq
Youssef Rami
In Progress
Spatial and temporal modelling in fisheries and environmental sciences PhD 2020 Portugal Raquel Menezes da Mota Leite
Susana Garrido
In Progress
In-car recommendation engine: development of solutions towards a cognitive system for drivers’ mobility routines PhD 2020 Portugal Flora José da Rocha Ferreira
Sérgio Monteiro
André Ferreira
In Progress
Dynamic Energy Tariff Models Using Smart Meter Data PhD 2019 Brazil Cecília Maria Vasconcelos Costa Castro
Felipe Prata Lima
In Progress
Learning and inference for human-robot collaboration Screen reader support enabled. PhD 2016 Portugal Wolfram Erlhagen
Estela Bicho
In Progress
Optimizing oncological surgical care: from risk stratification to risk mitigation PhD Arminda Manuela Andrade Pereira Gonçalves
Maria José Afonso Teodósio Bento
Daniel Moreira Gonçalves
In Progress
Applications of Dynamical Systems in Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance PhD Portugal Filipe Mena
Alberto Pinto
In Progress