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Featured Projects
This project deals with the derivation of hydrodynamic equations…
Upcoming Events
University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) |
| 09:00
The 181st European Study Group with Industry (ESGI 181) will take…
UMinho, campus de Azurém, biblioteca do DM |
| 11:00
Orador: Carlos Fabian Álvarez Escorcia (Institute…
Department of Mathematics, University of Minho |
The X Iberian Modelling Week will…
University of Coimbra |
| 09:00
Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from…
Research Groups
The research group of Algebra, Logic and Computation is composed of 19 PhD members, 6 PhD students and 1 scholarship.
The group of Analysis and Applications is composed of 30 PhD members, 7 PhD students and 2 scholarships.
The Geometry, Topology and Applications (GTA) group is composed of 10 PhD members and 5 PhD students.
The group of Statistics, Applied Probability and Operational Research is composed of 13 PhD members, 7 PhD students and 4 scholarships.…