José António Lelo Chimpanzo
PhD Student
University of Trás-os Montes e Alto Douro
José António Lelo Chimpanzo is a PhD student in Mathematics and Applications at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. His doctoral research focuses on introducing and studying some properties of the n-dimensional versions of four numerical sequences denoted by second-order recurrence relations: balancing, cobalancing, Lucas-balancing, and Lucas-cobalancing. In particular, his research focuses on the study of each of these sequences, introducing their recurrence relations, determining the respective Binet formulas, generating functions, generating matrices and some identities, and establishing, in at least one of these sequences, an application in cryptography. His areas of research interest are Number Representation, Sequences and Numbers, Linear Equations, Matrix Theory, and Combinatorics.
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography | 2024
Universal Journal of Mathematics and Applications | 2024
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics | 2024
Annales Mathematicae Silesianae | 2023