GTA | Geometry, Topology and Applications


The Geometry, Topology and Applications (GTA) group is composed of 10 PhD members, 5 PhD students and 1 scholarship.

The main areas of the group's research are Algebraic Topology, Differential Geometry, Discrete Geometry, General Relativity and Mathematical Biology. 

Doctors supervise research work at Master, Doctoral and Post-Doc levels and have collaborations with several national and foreign researchers.  


PHD Members

Non PHD Members

Useful Links

Last Publications

16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics and Relativistic Field Theories | 2023

Jose Natario

N.O. Santos

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana | 2022

Eduardo Dias

Giancarlo Urzúa

International Journal of Mathematics | 2022

Bachir Djebbar

Anna Fino

Nourhane Youcef

Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique | 2022

Related Events

Online | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Mark Grant (University of…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Salah Chaib (CMAT, Univ.…

Online | | 11:00

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Mario Fuentes (Univ.

Online | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Filipe Costa (IST-UL,…

Seminar room, room 3.08, building 6 | - | 11:30


University of Minho | - | 09:00

4EPBM aims to bring together Mathematicians and…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Leander Stecker (IST-UL,…

Sala F2.2 PII ECT, UTAD and online | | 11:00

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Hoi Ping LUK (The Hong Kong…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 |

The meeting is organized by the…

online | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Lilia Mehidi (Univ.

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 11:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Zakaria Ouaras (Côte d'Azur…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 16:00

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Ilka Agricola (Marburg,…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 16:00

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Alexandre Pombo (Czech…

Sala de Seminários Ed.6-3.08 | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Henrik Winther (Univ.

University of Minho | - | 09:30

After the first edition in…

online | | 14:30

GTA Seminar | Speaker: Ahmed Elshafei (CMAT)

Sala de Seminários do DMat, Edif. 6 - 3.08 | - | 11:00

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Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro | - | 09:30

This is the 6th CMAT's Open Day, an initiative of the Centre…

Sala de seminários do CMAT - building 6 room 3.08 | | 11:30


Seminar Room, Gualtar Campus - Braga | | 14:30

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Webinar | | 14:30

Webinar | | 14:30

Speaker: Jorge Delgado (CIDMA,…

University of Minho | - | 09:00

The aim of the meeting is to promote discussions and interchange of…

Universidade do Minho | - | 09:30

The One Day Meeting in Mathematical Biology will gather researchers…

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Henrik Winther

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Lucile Vandembroucq 

online | | 14:30

Thomas Kahl

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Catarina Faustino

Department of Mathematics - University of Aveiro… | - | 16:00


Irene Brito

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Alexandre Pombo

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Rui Duarte

Pole I of ECVA - Geosciences Auditorium, UTAD |

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University of Minho, Braga, Portugal | -

The meeting will focus on recent progress in Pseudo-Riemannian…